It's been a while...

Let's talk about it.

Posted on January 14th, 2023

So it's been quite a while since I made my first post, in fact it's now a new year. So I figured I'd make a post talking about what's been going on since the start of December.

Why has it been so long?

So the biggest reason I haven't posted anything here since the end of November, and the reason why the blog has been offline every now and then is simply because of the energy crisis.
At the start of December my electricity price went from 0.4 SEK/kWh to 5 SEK/kWh. Now I know that for some people that's still cheap, and it's not super expensive considering what people in the south of Sweden pay, but considering where I live and what I earn from work per month I couldn't justify running the web server 24/7.

Don't think I've talked about it here, but I host this server myself, meaning I pay for the electricity myself, and since I don't make money from this blog it was the first thing to go when the price increased.

On top of that I haven't had that much to talk about, at least not enough to justify writing an entire post just for that topic. But that has now changed.


I know it's a bit late, but happy new year! It's now 2023, I'm turning 24 in 5 months, and I'm really excited for this year. There's some really exciting things happening with my work at Studio Cherno (I might make a post talking about some of that later).

For 2023 I'm planning to post a lot more frequently, and I'm hoping to get back into streaming over on Twitch. I've added a link to my Twitch page at the top of the page, but here it is again:

Upcoming Projects

For 2023 I'll continue working on Fusion when possible. I've removed the Direct3D rendering backends and moved to using Vulkan again.
I'll hopefully be able to continue work on my physics engine Fission. Speaking of physics, I'll be making a post talking about my experience using the Jolt physics engine, and comparing it to PhysX since I'm currently implementing Jolt support into Hazel, which previously used PhysX exclusively.

Like I said there's some exciting things happening at work, and I'll make a post talking about that when we're ready to talk about it publicly.

Apart from doing engine development I'd love to make and release a small game, either using the Unity engine or Unreal Engine 5.

I Fucked Up

What I'm about to talk about is related to Studio Cherno, more specifically the Studio Cherno GitHub.
For those of you who follow TheCherno (my boss) you might be aware that I work on the private version of the Hazel game engine. And that in order to get access to the source code for that version of the engine you have to be a tier 3 patron over at Recently we moved the repository from GitLab to GitHub, and as part of that process we've automated the way that patrons get access to the source code (previously you had to send Yan a message on Patreon and he'd manually add you).

Well that's all well and good since it means less manual work, however we decided to also automate the process of removing access for people that cancel their patron membership.
Well I kind of fucked up that part of the process... At the start of this year, sometime on January 1st roughly 150 of the patrons that had access to our GitHub repository received an e-mail from GitHub stating that they no longer had access to the repository because it got removed.
When I was made aware of this my heart sank, and I quickly scrambled to figure out what had happened. See the thing that happened on January 1st was that the majority of tier 3 patrons had their subscription renewed automatically.

Well it turns out that the Patreon webhook that we had setup in order to automate the removal process ended up firing when a patrons subscription got renewed, when it should've only fired when their subscription ended, meaning they've canceled their membership and it has actually ended (meaning they no longer have access to e.g posts on Patreon).

So in the aftermath of that I want to apologize for the inconvenience, hopefully it shouldn't happen again.

Anyway that's all I have to talk about in this post, I'll be writing another post talking about the physics journey I've been on for the past year later this week.

Thanks for reading!